Many people give importance to the significance of certain numbers and some believe the current calender date: December 12, 2012 holds great importance for the destiny of the Human Race and the Universe at large.
Here are some noteworthy links dealing with this subject: 12 12 12
*12 12 12 Film Makers Capture 24 Hours
* 12 12 12 End or New Beginning Blog
I was not satisfied with the content I found in my Google search on this subject but decided to share the random bits & pieces I found.
As for me, I will spend the day trying to organize my life and perhaps find some time to meditate alone on Peace, Love, and Prosperity for All of Us.
The question I have is whether we are subject to the laws of cause & affect in Human thought ; in other words, if enough people on the planet hold potent thoughts and intense feelings around the expectation of something profound happening on this particular day, could such an accumulation of focus on such a huge mass level actually cause something to occur?
Or are there so many conflicting beliefs on this subject enough to short circuit any thought forms that might take hold.
I can only be responsible for the universe I hold in my Imagination. I will try to remember to keep my heart & mind clear and at peace while the world swirls in confusion around me.
My thoughts and wishes are the same for all of you.
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