The Year 2012














Ancient Mayan culture can be traced  as far back  as 2600 B.C. and began to flourish as an  empire around  A.D. 250 in the region known as Mesoamerica.

The vast span of this  civilization took place in what is today known as Central America, and included the Yucatan Peninsula. Guatamala, Belize, Western Honduras, and El Salvador, along with the Mexican states of Chiapas  and Tabasco.

The mystery surrounding the Mayan people , their rise to prominence,  their eventual decline and virtual collapse has been a fascination to countless researchers. They seem to have been influenced by an earlier race of people who inhabited the same general area. These were  the  Oltec people.

The Maya were highly skilled architects. The elaborate  stone temples  and pyramids they built, without metal tools, are the testimony of an advanced  civilization that predates accomplishments in Europe.


Mayan Temple Tikal



They had a keen  knowledge  of astronomy and hieroglyphic writing. They  devised complex farming methods, huge irrigation systems and underground reservoirs for storage of rain water.

Archeological  artifacts show a highly creative society, producing beautiful pottery, stone carvings, and intricate weaving designs.

Yet their most important contribution to the world was the  mystical calender they  devised. which astounds modern scholars with it’s  accuracy, even though it was designed hundreds of years before our present Gregorian calender.

The Mayan sacred system revolved around a  cosmic idea of Time. Their intuitive science of Time Cycles indicate a sacred mathematical formula which follows the cycles of the Sun and planets.

The  year 2012  was forcast by the ancient calender makers to mark  the completion of a 5000 year cycle of Time, according to the Mayan  Prophecy.


Mayan Calendar




Wikipedia – 2012 Phenomenom

The Spirit of Maat- Jose Arguellis and the Mayan Calendar

All About 2012


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